Phosphorus is important
Phosphorus is a vital element for the functioning of the rumen micro organisms. They actually need a lot more than the cow does. Any lack of P will slow down their metabolism and the first physical sign is a reduction of dry matter intake by the cow. This, in turn, leads to lower performance and in the case of P deficiency, leads to lower reproduction and weight loss.The response to feeding P has been well known and documented. However, there are P's and P's. The P used in many licks is based on...
February 22, 2025New Products now available
InnovateIOT is a Western Australian-based engineering, software, and technology company. We provide agricultural and rural industries with tools to help them save money and time in daily operations, through remote monitoring solutions.Our partnership with them has added a range of products at reasonable prices that will assist producers manage their farm assets and daily chores.The product range includes, tank level monitors; rain gauges; weather stations; soil monitors; pump controllers; electr...
February 12, 2025On Farm Connectivity Round 2
The second round of this successful program will be coming soon. You can prepare your self by gathering as much information as possible so that you can benefit from the program.Check out the website at to get the latest information on the program.There have been some changes to the last program with more flexible elegibility, so check it out.This is a great opportunity for you to use the latest production and management aids available to improve productivit...
September 5, 2024Portable Dosing Units
Here is a portable (Mobile) dosing unit for under $2500. The Dosatron Unit will handle up to 1500 head of cattle at one time and can be set up on a trailer as a mobile unit. Simply attach the water supply and you are up and going. Using camlocks to attach the water supply is quick and easy.Ideal for small herds (as well as large ones) and is a cost effective way of delivering the supplements of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Magnesium and trace elements through the drinking water.You can also ad...
July 15, 2024Dosatron with remote control
As distributors of the Dosatron, we can bring to you a cost effective tool for water supplementation that will suit small, medium and large herds. The Dosatron is simple in its operation and works on the energy provided by the flowing water to operate. It needs only 1.6 meters of head to give enough pressure to run the unit continuously. The operation can be seen in the photo below....
February 10, 2024Upgrade your existing Nutridose
Your Nutridose may have given you great service for many years and some people might encourage you to trade it in on a new model (provided you sign a supply contract). Think carefully!We can check out your Nutridose at no cost to you.As a special offer, just send your Nutridose to us in Brisbane and we will bench test it and fix any minor faults for no charge. If parts are required we will check with you, however, the maximum charge for a fully refurbished unit with new parts will be no more tha...
February 4, 2024On Farm Connectivity Program
What is the On Farm Connectivity program? The Australian Government’s OnFarm Connectivity Program (OFCP) is a $30 million initiative over two years to support primary producers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries adopt connected machinery and sensor technology.Go to the website to see the full details : claim this rebate, we work together to design your program to get the best out of cameras and various sensors. Cont...
November 7, 2023Dosatron is an economical way to dose supplements
The Dosatron is a reliable and economic method of adding water soluble supplements to the drinking water of Livestock.It works on the flow of water through the system to drive the motor and add the correct dose of concentrate to the drinking water.It is simple to plumb into any existing system and will give years of reliable service.The Dosatron comes in sizes to suit a single trough, up to large systems and is priced much lower than any pump injection system. A 9000 litres per hour system costs...
November 6, 2023Upgrade a Norprim
If you need to upgrade your Norprim, it is possible to do so for as little as $2700.No one will repair a Norprim controller and there are many that still give valuable service. If your Norprim controller has failed, it can be replaced with our In Solution basic controller which will connect to your existing solar panel, pump and solenoid. You will have to upgrade the water meter to a 10 l pulse. This may be possible with your existing meter, however, if not, you will need a water meter with a 10...
May 9, 2023Bag Mix Formula
We have developed formula for water supplementation using on site bag mixing. The process is simple and avoids the costs associated with factory premixing of formula. The formula are based on mixing lots of 1000 litres and use whole bag ratios for simplicity. For example a suitable formula uses 2 bags of Urea, 1 bag of Urea Phosphate and 1 bag of Tech grade Ammonium Sulphate per 1000 l water. This gives a solution similar to UPRO Orange at a much lower cost.Simple variations to the ratio are use...
May 6, 2023A safe source of urea
In Solution U-Phos A slow release urea and soluble phosphorus This compound has unique properties that make it highly desirable in the formulation of soluble supplements and licks. Urea Phosphate is a stable combination of urea and phosphorus, containing 18 % Nitrogen and 44% P2O5 (19% P). It is rapidly soluble and is an excellent source of nitrogen and phosphorus for water supplementation of sheep and cattle and adding to molasses or licks. It is a slow release form of urea. This is due to the ...
July 31, 2022Reduce methane and increase productivity at the same time
The recent update by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reminds us that climate change continues to be a significant challenge for society. A great many people want to do something constructive, however, want to do it in a way that also brings better profitability outcomes. There is no doubt that effective methane abatement is one very realistic opportunity open to us to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) impact from our agriculture sector. There has been a lot of publicity about...
July 14, 2022Are you losing urea to ammonia
If you are using alkaline bore water, chances are that you are losing urea to ammonia. Losses can be as high as 50%. This can occur in alkaline water where urea is less stable and breaks down to ammonia or if the enzyme, urease, is present in the trough from bacterial activity. Ammonia can exist in water in two forms. The ammonium ion NH4, is stable in neutral or acid waters and remains in solution and will not be lost. As well, it is non toxic to fish or other organisms. The ammonia molecule NH...
July 6, 2022Buy in pallet lots when possible
Why? Because it will save you even more money. For us to split a pallet costs money. How much? Well firstly we need to provide another pallet, $16. Then we need to pay labor to do the split and packing, about $30. We also need to allow for split inventory and holding costs, about $3, so a minimum of $49 per pallet. This is what we will charge for split pallets. So if you have the storage space, save yourself even more money by ordering full pallets....
July 4, 2022Why pay for high premixing costs?
As we are committed to bringing you savings where ever possible, we have developed bag mixing formula that allow you to create the formula that you require for the different seasons and different water conditions by not doing any more work than normal.The principle is simple, premixing and bagging in the factory costs money, lots of it, and you pay. Using this system saves you this cost and also gives you more flexibility.How much do you save? Well, buying a premix formula at present, may cost $...
July 1, 2022Trace Elements tailored to your needs
Trace elements requirement is different, depending on where you are located. We can manufacture trace element mixes suitable for water supplementation to your needs and even vary formulations on a seasonal basis.Contact us to receive advice on your requirements...
April 5, 2022Nutridose repairs now available
Repairs to water dosing units such as the Nutridose are now available through us. Please contact Tony on 0412167984 if you need any help with your dosing unit....
March 29, 2022Unpredictable price and supply of fertilizer ingredients
Current turmoil in world markets has led to a shortage in supply of many fertilizer ingredients and increases in prices. Things change quickly in this environment and neither price or supply can be guaranteed past a few days. Under these circumstances it is wise to plan well ahead and to secure your requirements as early as possible. ...
March 29, 2022 Posts 1-18 of 18 | Page