Going Back to Basics

Water supplementation has been available for many years and there are hundreds of producers successfully using the system. It remains the most cost effective method of delivering nutrition supplements to livestock. Experience has helped us refine formulations and improve the safety of the formulations.

Producers have always been responsible for mixing the concentrate and by installing a concentrate mixer producers can save on the cost of blending and bagging the separate ingredients, a job that is currently carried out by marketing companies. But this might be too much trouble and it is not necessary.

By going back to basics we have developed a new BAG MIX SYSTEM for formulations that are simple to use and are designed to add the ingredients to the mixer in the correct bag proportions, (no weighing or bag splitting required), fill with water to the correct level and mix with a dedicated paddle mixer or high volume pump. All of our formulations have been designed to provide you with the correct ingredients and allow you to simply add the number of bags of each ingredient required to make the formulation. Bag Mixes are also flexible and allow us to change the formula to suit your exact circumstances. It is also about saving you money!

By using water supplementation each animal will receive the correct dose of supplement at the best possible price.

We also service existing dosing units and supply a range of new dosing hardware including the Dosatron.

On Farm Connectivity Round 2

September 5, 2024

On Farm Connectivity Program Round 2

The second round of this successful program will be coming soon. You can prepare your self by gathering as much information as possible so that you can benefit from the program.Check out the website at https://regionaltechhub.org.au/onfarm/ to get the latest information on the program.There have bee...
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